Hawksmoor Knightsbridge New Bar Menu

October 21, 2014

Hawksmoor Knightsbridge is fast becoming a member of the London establishment with a growing band of regulars and a string of glowing reviews. To counteract the glitz and glamour of the Knightsbridge restaurant Hawksmoor have introduced a new bar menu (also available in the restaurant) celebrating the humble sandwich. Inspired by travels from Hanoi to Main, Seoul to Singapore and Tokyo to…..Peckham (where the perfect cheese for the perfect steak sandwich was located) the new bar menu features three burgers, three lobster rolls and a steak sandwich.

The Hawksmoor Knightsbridge bartenders have also been let loose and the results are the usual blend of expertly crafted, meticulously researched and downright wackiness that is their trademark. Napoleon Kleinamite, a cocktail based on a South African wine beloved of Napoleon, the Cider Car, which is the result of too much cider brandy on a long train journey, and an incredible spiced Hot Buttered Rum to see you through the long winter nights.

Hawksmoor Knightsbridge, 3 Yeoman’s Row, SW3 2AL
Tel: 020 7590 9290